Brawny Babe

An archer and brawler who guards her jungle from trespassers. She has formed a mutually beneficial relationship with the creatures of her new home, but still seeks the warmth of a friend who speaks her native tongue. Despite her rough demeanor, she is very timid and shy when it comes to social interactions. Her goal is to liberate her enslaved people from humanity.
Relations: Main Character (new friend); Assailant (old friend); Best Friend (fellow chef)
Abilities: Perfect accuracy when aiming at a nonmoving target; Extreme speed and strength; Skilled at creating traps and weapons from flora and fauna.
Humans who enslave my people are only good for kindling a warm fire to cook mushrooms with. Must have questions! Ask away! No time to be shy now!
Ask Brawny Babe a question in the comments! Or ask the hero eating slime about her powers of empathy in the link.