About Us

Sphere of Compassion Inc is an independent corporation whose purpose is to spread innovative media and promote a vegan worldview.
As long time anime/manga fans, the two vegan brothers, Alexander and William McCarty co-founded Sphere of Compassion Inc. Their company publishes innovative, engaging, psychological action anime-style works – as books and original character art.
By working together they have produced and independently published three novels from the Of the Exps series (Exp 8: Rebellion of the Exps; The Hero of Sel: Resurrection of the Exps; Sellum: Resurrection of the Exps) now in both digital and print versions on amazon.com. The conclusion to the Resurrection arc, Destruction, Creation, Absence: Resurrection of the Exps is set for a Summer 2019 release. They have also created two books from The Main Character! series: The Main Character!: The Hero’s Epic Journey Begins and the prequel spin off The Main Character Legendary Stories: Guardian Angel. The next Main Character Book: The Hero’s Epic Journey Continues will release in Fall 2019.
Now that you’ve learned about who we are, check out the character bios.
Also be sure to watch a live interview by Daniel Mart in the link below.