Exp 6: Anthrax

A benevolent doctor who provides help to all in need, seeking only success as compensation. As an intellectual he struggles with making emotional connections to others, but feels that with the proper mindset, and enough practice, this great obstacle can be overcome. Has an irrational fear of contamination that only adds to the emotional disconnect that ails him.

Occupation: Doctor (works for free; no insurance needed)

Relations: Devlin (creator); Matteria (lover)

Abilities: Psychological and physical treatment (said to be able to cure anything); combines, spreads and injects diseases while in sick form

Artifacts: Sickness-sulfer (Yellow)

Dr. Anthrax reporting for duty. Oh man, was that too silly? Greetings patient, Dr. Anthrax here. No, too formal. Nice to meet you, I’m Anthrax. I’ll be happy to help with whatever ails you, so don’t hesitate to ask. Oh, should add a disclaimer here. I am a doctor, but I don’t have a degree so I’m not liable if anything goes wrong by you following my advice. Wow, that sure isn’t going to inspire any confidence.

Ask Anthrax a question! Or ask his needy patient about him in the link below.
