A Nagito cosplayer, from one of my favorite video game series of all time and probably one of the top 3 most interesting characters in fiction.
Hope Nagito loves the books.
Awesome Killer Bee cosplayer got a hold of Exp 8: Rebellion of the Exps.
He is also a YouTube anime reviewer by the name of Gardetrace. He has a good style
The physical books have arrived. 😊
Ill be posting some pics of people who just got their signed copy. I recently went to a vegan buffet/ get together and found many like-minded
True heroes are created, not born. Not even death can kill freedom.
The Hero of Sel: Resurrection of the Exps, version 1.1 has fixed grammar issues, some continuity errors and added
The Why So Serious Show just released a video about Super Con retro. Check out all the awesome cosplayers and enjoy! Also, I'm in it. My brother and I are