Exp 8 (Ask a Question)

Exp 8 is a freedom seeker. Born to serve the whims of others, he declares his independence to claim freedom. With tact and persuasion, he rallies others to fight and die for his cause. When dealing with those who cannot be persuaded, he emits his energy as an extension of his willpower to overcome them. This revolutionary sees all oppressed, regardless of species, as his kin and will fight on until they are all freed from their shackles.
Occupation: Leader of the Freedom Forcers
Relations: Kawai (sister); Atatasuki (brother); Devlin (creator); sees all Exps as family
Abilities: Jetpack; turrets; minor gravity manipulation; ejects energy as orbs
Greetings, I’m Exp 8, just another number until I’ve gained my freedom. There are those who think they can oppress the weak and it’s my sworn duty to take them down. Don’t worry though, I’m not violent by nature, only when provoked. Feel free to ask me a question. I’ll be happy to share my perspective with you.
Ask Exp 8 a question in the comments! Or ask his creator Devlin in the link below!