Exp 07: Kawai

Kawai is Exp 8’s prototype and sees him as both a goal to strive to and a trophy to claim. She is playful and clingy. As a prototype she feels she must dedicate herself wholeheartedly to something if she wants to even have a chance to reach it. Crippling her enemies helps her keep up her self-esteem and despite acting cutesy she despises her eternally childish design.
Relations: Exp 8 (brother); Atatasuki (annoying little brother); Deceivant (creator); Devlin (benefactor)
Abilities: Flotation; Laser net; Gives or takes energy; strong tail
Artifacts: Sound-Crystalline Quartz (clear); Shield-Calcite (blue)
Don’t let my incredible cuteness deceive you, this kitten has claws. Heehee! Okay, so you probably want to know all about the floating cutie cat girl. Well go ahead, ask me anything.
Ask Kawai a question in the comments! Or ask an inferior Exp about her in the link.