Exp 3: Nina

A narcissistic attention seeker who hates being tied down. This proud warrior isn’t above dirty tricks and deception. She feels that her entire body is her weapon and will go to great lengths to keep her erotic aura untainted.
Relations: Devlin (ex-partner/creator); Ada (teacher); Matteria (rival); Kaity (fangirl)
Abilities: Incapacitates through erotic poses; explodes and regenerates clothing; varied arsenal of weapons and explosives
Artifacts: Gravity-Barite (white); Ice frozen water; Slow-mo-Amphiboles (white)
Words fail to convey the allure of a woman’s natural beauty. But don’t let that stop you from trying. Praise me all you like, or ask me a question. I’m not against sharing beauty tips; it’s not like I have competition.
Ask Nina a question in the comments! Or ask her living mirror about her in the link below.
Also be sure to check out her fan art! https://sphereofcompassion.com/nina-fan-art/