Old Dude

Old Dude is the ancient and wise leader of the Village of Doomed. He is a serious chief who has put his faith in young heroes to help him manage and protect his village. He is a man of his word and is more than willing to suck up to a hero if that is what it takes to earn their allegiance. The people of the village all respect and honor him. In time all heroes bow their heads to his wishes. His goal is to dethrone Flam: The Love Dictator. He will do what he must to defend his village from invaders.
Relations: Flam (sworn enemy); Assailant (employer)
Abilities: Spatial distortions; Wood manipulation; Ancient wisdom
The new generation must take a stand against the evils of the world. I'm happy to give them a little push if they are lacking in motivation.
Ask Old Dude a question in the comments! Or ask his sworn enemy Flam about the joys of tragedy in the link.