Day 2 of Supercon Retro.
First off, this was the most busy day and the only day where I went with friends. Early in the day, I got a comission (It was nearly Easter and I wanted a color chibi of Hope, the most important of the new characters from book 3, Resurrection of the Exps: Sellum). A talented artist whose website is drew her for me and after my brother gave the photo some touchups, it was ready to be submitted.
I also went to audition for Voice of Supercon but I didn’t have time to audition (thankfully my brother already made it).
My brother and I went to a Writing for Comics panel where we learned how Peter David went from a guy in Direct Sales to a writer for Hulk for 12 years.
We also went to a Who Would Win panel where two people would pick a character and then the audience would pick a scenario. My first pick was Kiriyama from Battle Royale because he can learn to do just about anything. I won the first round and picked the Befriender of Betrayal (BOB) from my book series Rebellion of The Exps (which they had to allow because he was a published character). I had to argue why this floating eyeball would make a good roommate. I brought up his sarcastic sense of humor, his powers and that if you worship him he will bring you to the very top. Bob ended up winning (see his picture below).
At nighttime, there was a costume contest, in which my good friend participated in. He didn’t win but he had a lot of fun going up on stage. There were many incredible costumes this time around, one of which was a brand new character created by the cosplayer.
Before leaving we met with the Why So Serious (Youtube) show team and had a very brief interview. I was a bit nervous and I wasn’t aware how little time it would be but I am still grateful to them nonetheless.
As always, we gave out business cards and vegan abolitionist pamphlets to all panelists and new friends we made.
That’s all for day 2.